Jumat, 21 November 2014

HP Stream 14 Quad Core Laptop with Beats Audio (Natural Silver)

HP Stream 14 Quad Core Laptop with Beats Audio (Natural Silver)




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It is exciting to see affordable Windows PCs that are now competitive with similar Chromebook devices. This one from HP performs quite well in most applications although its computational performance lags behind its 3D and gaming capabilities.

The Stream has a 14" non-touchscreen display with 2 gigs of RAM and a 32 gig solid state drive. Neither are upgradeable. About half the drive's capacity is taken up by operating system and its recovery partition. So expect only about 16-17 gigabytes of free space. They provide a free two year subscription to Microsoft's cloud service which comes with 100 gigs of cloud storage.

Gaming performance is surprising. The HP Stream scored over 20,000 on the 3DMark tablet game performance test which is very respectable. It also very smoothly played Portal 2 at the Stream's native 1366x768 resolution and with anti aliasing turned on.

Web browsing performance was not as good. The Stream scored lower than most of the Chromebooks I've tested in the Google Octane Javascript test (running on Google Chrome). Web browsing performance is a bit sluggish but usable.

Overall build quality is nice. The machine feels solid and is relatively light weight at just under 4 pounds. The keyboard is comfortable and the keys are full sized. But the trackpad feels squishy and cheap. And there are too many gesture commands that flip windows all over the place that need to be shut off with no obvious way to do it.

But overall this laptop is a good value and well constructed. Without even a cooling fan it is completely solid state.

from MIZON http://ift.tt/1uMktYe


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