Senin, 08 Desember 2014

Acer Aspire E 11 ES1-111M-C40S 11.6-Inch Laptop (Diamond Black)

Acer Aspire E 11 ES1-111M-C40S 11.6-Inch Laptop (Diamond Black)




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The Windows assault on Chromebooks continues with the Acer Aspire E 11.

Like the HP Stream 11 I reviewed last week, this new computer from Acer sports an Intel Celeron N2840 processor at 2.16 ghz, 2 gigs of RAM and 32GB of solid state hard drive space.

It is pretty much identical to the HP Stream 11 in performance. Web browsing is responsive and snappy, and it's possible to play some lower end games on it. But there are some differences that make the HP Stream 11 a better value.

1. The HP Stream 11 has a larger battery than the Acer Aspire E 11

2. The HP Stream 11 has a better keyboard

3. SD cards can be inserted flush to the HP Stream 11 but half of the card sticks out on the Acer Aspire E 11.

4. The Acer Aspire E 11 has less available space for the Windows operating system and user files because of the large size of its recovery partition.

5. The HP comes with a one year subscription to Office 365.

The one thing the Acer has that the HP doesn't is an ethernet port.

This is not to say that the Acer is a bad machine - it isn't. But the HP offers more than the Acer does for the same price.

from MIZON


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